Source code for mixturelib.regularizers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`mixturelib.regularizers` contains classes:

- :class:`mixturelib.regularizers.Regularizers`
- :class:`mixturelib.regularizers.RegularizeModel`
- :class:`mixturelib.regularizers.RegularizeFunc`
from __future__ import print_function

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import math

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from import TensorDataset, DataLoader, Dataset

[docs]class Regularizers: r"""Base class for all regulizers.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor method """ pass
[docs] def E_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""Make some regularization on the E-step. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `1`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def M_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""Make some regularization on the M-step. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `1`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RegularizeModel(Regularizers): r"""The class of regularization to create a relationship between prior means. The relationship between the parameters in this case, is that the mean distributions should be equal. .. warning:: All local models must be Linear model for the regression task. Also can be used :class:`mixturelib.local_models.EachModelLinear`. This Regularizer make correction on the M-step for each Linear Model. :param ListOfModels: A list of local models to be regularized. :type ListOfModels: list :param device: The device for pytorch. Can be 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Default 'cpu'. :type device: string Example: >>> _ = torch.random.manual_seed(42) # Set random seed for repeatability >>> >>> w = torch.randn(2, 1) # Generate real parameter vector >>> X = torch.randn(10, 2) # Generate features data >>> Z = torch.ones(10, 1) # Set that all data correspond to this model >>> Y = X@w + 0.1*torch.randn(10, 1) # Generate target data with noise 0.1 >>> >>> first_model = EachModelLinear( ... input_dim=2, ... A=torch.tensor([1., 1.]), ... w=torch.tensor([[0.], [0.]])) # Init first local model >>> second_model = EachModelLinear( ... input_dim=2, ... A=torch.tensor([1., 1.]), ... w=torch.tensor([[1.], [1.]])) # Init second local model >>> hyper_parameters = { ... 'alpha': torch.tensor([1., 1e-10])} # Set regularization parameter >>> >>> first_model.w_0, first_model.W # First prior and paramaters before (tensor([[0.], [0.]]), tensor([[1.3314e-06], [8.6398e-06]])) >>> second_model.w_0, second_model.W # Second prior and paramaters before (tensor([[1.], [1.]]), tensor([[1.0000], [1.0000]])) >>> >>> Rg = RegularizeModel( ... ListOfModels=[first_model, second_model]) # Set regulariser >>> _ = Rg.M_step(X, Y, Z, hyper_parameters) # Regularize >>> >>> first_model.w_0, first_model.W # First prior and paramaters after (tensor([[0.3333], [0.5000]]), tensor([[1.3314e-06], [8.6398e-06]])) >>> second_model.w_0, second_model.W # Second prior and paramaters after (tensor([[0.6667], [0.5000]]), tensor([[1.0000], [1.0000]])) """ def __init__(self, ListOfModels=None, device='cpu'): """Constructor method """ super(RegularizeModel, self).__init__() if ListOfModels is None: self.ListOfModels = [] else: self.ListOfModels = ListOfModels self.ListOfModelsW0 = [] for k, LocalModel in enumerate(self.ListOfModels): if LocalModel.w_0 is not None: self.ListOfModelsW0.append((k, LocalModel.w_0.clone()))
[docs] def E_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""The method does nothing. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_models`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ pass
[docs] def M_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""Make some regularization on the M-step. For all local model from ListOfModels with prior, make regularization :math:`w^0_k = \left[A_k^{-1} + (num\_models-1)\alpha\right] \left(A_k^{-1}\mathsf{E}w_k + \alpha\sum_{k'\not=k}w_k'\right)` .. warning:: HyperParameters must contain `alpha` hyperparameter. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_models`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ alpha = (1./(HyperParameters['alpha']+1e-30)).detach() K = len(self.ListOfModels) ListOfNewW0 = [] for k, w_0 in self.ListOfModelsW0: A = self.ListOfModels[k].A if len(A.shape) == 1: A = torch.diag(A) try: A_inv = torch.inverse(A) except: A_inv = (2**32)*torch.eye(A.shape[0]) B = self.ListOfModels[k].B if len(alpha.shape) == 0: alpha = alpha*torch.diag(torch.ones_like(w_0.view(-1))) elif len(alpha.shape) == 1: alpha = torch.diag(alpha) temp1 = torch.inverse(A_inv + alpha*(K)) temp2 = A_inv @ self.ListOfModels[k].W \ + alpha @ [w_s_0 for t, w_s_0 in self.ListOfModelsW0 if t==t], dim = 1).sum(dim=1).view([-1,1]) ListOfNewW0.append((k, (temp1@temp2).detach())) for (k, w_0), (t, new_w_0) in zip(self.ListOfModelsW0, ListOfNewW0): = for k, w_0 in self.ListOfModelsW0: if self.ListOfModels[k].w_0 is not None: self.ListOfModels[k] = return
[docs]class RegularizeFunc(Regularizers): r"""The class of regularization to create any relationship between prior means. The relationship between the parameters is set by using the link function. In the M-step solves next optimisation problem :math:`\sum_{k=1}^{num\_models}\left[-\frac{1}{2}w_k^0A_k^{-1}w_k^0+ w_k^0A_k^{-1}\mathsf{E}w_k\right] + R(W^0) \to \infty`. .. warning:: All local models must be Linear model for the regression task. Also can be used :class:`mixturelib.local_models.EachModelLinear`. .. warning:: Link function represent a likelihood. This function will be maximizing during optimisation. This Regularizer make correction on the M-step for each Linear Model. :param ListOfModels: A list of local models to be regularized. :type ListOfModels: list :param device: The device for pytorch. Can be 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Default 'cpu'. :type device: string :param R: The link function between prior means for all local models. The function must be scalar with type FloatTensor. :type R: function :param epoch: The number of epoch for solving optimisation problem in the M-step. :type epoch: int Example: >>> _ = torch.random.manual_seed(42) # Set random seed for repeatability >>> >>> w = torch.randn(2, 1) # Generate real parameter vector >>> X = torch.randn(10, 2) # Generate features data >>> Z = torch.ones(10, 1) # Set that all data correspond to this model >>> Y = X@w + 0.1*torch.randn(10, 1) # Generate target data with noise 0.1 >>> >>> first_model = EachModelLinear( ... input_dim=2, ... A=torch.tensor([1., 1.]), ... w=torch.tensor([[0.], [0.]])) # Init first local model >>> second_model = EachModelLinear( ... input_dim=2, ... A=torch.tensor([1., 1.]), ... w=torch.tensor([[1.], [1.]])) # Init second local model >>> hyper_parameters = { ... 'alpha': torch.tensor([1., 1e-10])} # Set regularization parameter >>> >>> first_model.w_0, first_model.W # First prior and paramaters before (tensor([[0.], [0.]]), tensor([[1.3314e-06], [8.6398e-06]])) >>> second_model.w_0, second_model.W # Second prior and paramaters before (tensor([[1.], [1.]]), tensor([[1.0000], [1.0000]])) >>> >>> Rg = RegularizeModel( ... ListOfModels=[first_model, second_model], ... R = lambda x: -(x**2).sum()) # Set regulariser >>> _ = Rg.M_step(X, Y, Z, hyper_parameters) # Regularize >>> >>> first_model.w_0, first_model.W # First prior and paramaters after (tensor([[4.8521e-06], [6.7789e-06]]), tensor([[1.3314e-06], [8.6398e-06]])) >>> second_model.w_0, second_model.W # Second prior and paramaters after (tensor([[0.9021], [0.9021]]), tensor([[1.0000], [1.0000]])) """ def __init__(self, ListOfModels=None, R=lambda x: x.sum(), epoch=100, device='cpu'): """Constructor method """ super(RegularizeFunc, self).__init__() if ListOfModels is None: self.ListOfModels = [] else: self.ListOfModels = ListOfModels self.ListOfModelsW0 = [] for k, LocalModel in enumerate(self.ListOfModels): if LocalModel.w_0 is not None: self.ListOfModelsW0.append((k, LocalModel.w_0.clone())) self.epoch = epoch self.R = R
[docs] def E_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""The method does nothing. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_models`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ pass
[docs] def M_step(self, X, Y, Z, HyperParameters): r"""Make some regularization on the M-step. Solves next optimisation problem :math:`\sum_{k=1}^{num\_models}\left[-\frac{1}{2}w_k^0A_k^{-1}w_k^0+ w_k^0A_k^{-1}\mathsf{E}w_k\right] + R(W^0) \to \infty`. :param X: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_feature`. :type X: FloatTensor :param Y: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_answers`. :type Y: FloatTensor :param Z: The tensor of shape `num_elements` :math:`\times` `num_models`. :type Z: FloatTensor :param HyperParameters: The dictionary of all hyper parametrs. Where `key` is string and `value` is FloatTensor. :type HyperParameters: dict """ W0_ = [w0[1] for w0 in self.ListOfModelsW0], dim = -1).clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) W0 = W0_.transpose(0, 1) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([W0_]) for i in range(self.epoch): loss = 0 for local_model, w0 in zip(self.ListOfModels, W0): if local_model.A is not None: A = local_model.A if len(A.shape) == 1: A = torch.diag(A) try: A_inv = torch.inverse(A) except: A_inv = (2**32)*torch.eye(A.shape[0]) loss += -0.5 * (w0 @ A_inv@w0) \ + 0.5 * w0 @ A_inv @ local_model.W loss += self.R(W0) optimizer.zero_grad() (-loss).backward() optimizer.step() ListOfNewW0 = [] for k, w_0 in enumerate(W0): ListOfNewW0.append((k, w_0.view([-1, 1]).detach())) for (k, w_0), (t, new_w_0) in zip(self.ListOfModelsW0, ListOfNewW0): = for k, w_0 in self.ListOfModelsW0: if self.ListOfModels[k].w_0 is not None: self.ListOfModels[k] = return